Our latest LiDAR captures depth as well as velocity information (shown in color).
Our Vision
Advancing the future through faster connectivity and improved safety in autonomous mobility
Our Technology
Analog Photonics is developing disruptive LiDAR and Optical Communications technology built on our proprietary silicon photonics platform to enable a future where people and devices are highly connected, and autonomy is ubiquitous.
Our Markets
Automotive – LiDAR is often used as a primary sensory modality for Level 2+ ADAS application due to its reliable 4D (X, Y, Z and velocity) data that helps with object detection, velocity/direction prediction and crash avoidance.
Data communication – Our optical transceiver engines offer the highest bandwidth density and energy efficiency, addressing the needs in the datacenter and high-performance computing interconnects at an aggregate data rate of 400G-to-3.2Tbps.
Free Space Optical Communication – Optical Phased Arrays with integrated beam steering allow significant reduction in Size, Weight, Power and Cost (SWaP-C) while offering larger communication data rates.
Security & Surveillance – High density point cloud from LiDARs helps perception algorithms with better target classification and thus reducing false alarms

Our Team
Our team includes highly trained and talented members from broad array of industries including Photonics, Communications, Aerospace, Automotive and Academics.